
Bring Your Business To The Next Level
with Digital Marketing Solutions
That Drive Business Growth

Digital Marketing Company in Florida

Maximize your ROI with our Florida Digital Marketing Agency.
We're obsessed with bringing you leads, clients, and sales.



"I'm Struggling to get a steady flow of quality leads"

"I'm tired of buying leads from big name companies with no bottom line results"

"My current marketing agency seems out of touch with my industry"

"My pipeline is unpredictable. At times, my sales team can't close a single deal"

"We built a great business from referrals, but need to build something more scalable"

"I'm tired of wasting money on marketing "strategies" that drive 0 results"

"I don't understand how marketing works and I'm overwhelmed by marketing jargon"

"I’ve got great closers, but they don’t have time to prospect. We can’t grow without new leads"

"I'm juggling running my business and maintaining revenue growth, and it's not working"

Unlock your business’s full potential with BUILDIT, Florida’s leading web marketing agency. Nestled in the heart of the Sunshine State, we focus on bringing you a steady flow of leads, and help you elevate your brand’s image, authority, and presence, so that those leads regularly convert into clients (and sales), allowing you to focus on delivering your products and services, scaling your operations, and focus on those next milestones you’ve been dreaming of.



Reach clients actively seeking for your products and services.

Establish yourself as the leading provider in your industry.

Drive higher-value sales by enhancing your online presence with our tailored digital marketing solutions, and…


Get unbeatable ROI and impactful results that truly elevate your business.


Ready for the next level?

Mighty Fine (and data-driven) Digital Solutions that deliver results

Start attracting the leads you actually want with our data-driven approach combining SEO, SEM and Web Design.

By positioning yourself at the top of your niche in Search results, marketing campaigns and in your clients’ minds, you will get a recurring stream of leads, and be able to focus on closing the right clients, who are ready to invest in your business and value what you have to offer.

Comprehensive Roofing Marketing Strategies

Our clients can’t stop raving about our Florida Digital Agency’s expertise, dedication, and excellent Customer Support

We dive deep into data analysis and tailor personalized strategies so your digital marketing campaign really speaks to your audience.

With ongoing support, detailed reporting, and transparent practices about our roadmap, what’s working and what can be improved, our clients can't stop talking about our expertise, commitment, and top-notch customer support.

That's why we're the go-to choice for businesses looking to make a real impact online.

Personalized Roofing Marketing Strategies

Fixin' to woo your clients and get results? Trust our Florida Digital Marketing Company to be your partner in crime

Staying ahead in digital marketing in 2024 means reaching your audience and bringing them a journey that excites them so much they want to take the next step with you.

At BuildIt Digital Marketing, we combine SEO, PPC, and Web Design to transform and amplify your online presence, ensuring you meet and exceed your marketing objectives.

Our full-service digital marketing solutions are designed to attract quality leads to your business and guide them effortlessly toward conversion. With detailed performance analytics and innovative strategies, we fine-tune your online marketing efforts across all channels to achieve impactful results.

Ain't nothin' better than Florida Web Marketing: personalized to your industry, business case, and goals

You can't rely on basic digital marketing to stand out in any market. That's where BuildIt comes in.

We’ll get to know the ins and outs of your specific industry, market, and niche, as well as the unique value proposition you deliver to your clients, weaving together a story that'll charm your clients and deliver results.

BuildIt: The Florida Online Marketing Agency for Businesses Ready to Scale

Since 1998, we’ve been offering unrivaled digital marketing solutions to help businesses grow.


We are based in Fort Lauderdale, Fl and we operate across the entire country. 


Over the decades, we’ve continued to perfect our services and expand our expertise, so that we can do more than suggest and implement solutions: we can deliver results. The way Florida delivers the sun: predictably, consistently, effectively.


We’re always looking to provide our clients with more effective services. But don’t take it from us… 


What Our Clients Are Saying

Thomas C.
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“I struggled for years trying to push my roofing business out of a slump. Working with BuildIt Marketing Agency proved to be the missing piece of our growth strategy. Within just a few months, we started seeing a high return on these marketing efforts. I can’t recommend them highly enough!”
Frank M.
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“After focusing on our local area for years, my business was ready to expand into broader markets. We teamed up with BuildIt Digital Marketing because of their specialization in SEO marketing. They helped us tap into a new market by tailoring our marketing efforts to meet our specific goals.”


Over the past few decades, we’ve perfected our digital marketing solutions. We offer a wide range of services to provide our clients with the highest-quality offerings possible. Here are the various ways we can help you grow your business.

Roofing SEO

SEO Services

It all starts with a in-depth site audit, and our best-in-class keyword research, which allows us to determine your site's ideal structure, so that we can match your products and services to what your perspective clients are actually searching for on Google.

PPC Roofing Ads

PPC Services

Building on our best-in-class approach to SEO, we will design the kind of PPC campaigns that record a high number of conversions in the most effective way, keeping costs down, and returns high.

Roofing Website Design

Web Design

Whether you have yet to open up your virtual office or your site needs some updating, we’ve got you covered!
We’ll build you a custom website to make it easier for potential customers to interact with your business and keep your leads in one place.

Comprehensive Roofing Marketing Strategies

SEM Services

Our SEM Services focus on Search Engine Marketing Strategies that target your perspective clients based on where they are at in their customer journey, focusing heavily on the clients who are practically ready to buy.

B2B Internet Marketing

At our full-service B2B digital marketing agency we harness the power of precise, actionable data to draw a clear line between your investment and your returns.

Social Media Management

Local SEO Services

We focus our Local Search SEO services on the most effective strategies to enhance your local online presence and drive qualified, targeted traffic from your immediate area. This ensures that visits convert into leads, and leads convert into clients.


BUILDIT: Digital Marketing For Companies In Florida (And Beyond) Looking For Tangible, Measurable Results.

Managing a business while maintaining an effective digital marketing strategy can be challenging.

Our Fort Lauderdale Digital Marketing mission is to elevate small and medium-sized businesses like yours by expanding customer reach, enhancing conversion rates, and boosting profits, all with minimal effort on your part.

We make digital marketing simple and efficient, thanks to our data-driven approach, that is straightforward for you to understand, and based on tangible milestones.

At BuildIt, we believe digital marketing is both science and art, and leverage both to help you drive sales, increase ROI, and optimize your pipelines, so that you can scale your business and its impact. 

Digital Marketing Company

Where to find our florida digital marketing agency

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Discover How Our Comprehensive Lead Generation Solutions Can Increase Your Company’s Sales.